Saturday, May 3, 2014

My type of work day :)

Or...what motivates me to work when I really don't want to! hahaha

The day started off with me being a slug-a-bed...AWESOME! Except I always think of that verse in Proverbs...a little slumber, a little folding of the hands in rest and poverty will come upon you like a thief. Not a direct least I don't think so...wouldn't that be cool if I did quote it word for word?!

Anyhow, I also like the saying "start slow and taper off". Which we didn't exactly do...we started slow and kinda kept going slow with a few episodes of work...but nothing too hard today = )

So...I made whole wheat pancakes for breakfast and we had those with blueberries, yogurt and I had a bit of agave with mine. I meant to work on organizing the bathroom cupboard so I could fit more stuff in but that didn't get done.

What we ended up organizing was the gym closet...Petey had a shelf unit from the shed he wasn't using so we put that in the closet when we discovered that it would fit nicely.

Here's my type of work a little...then take a break to play a game or work a puzzle or do something fun. Then work some more, then eat something, then play a little, then work some more...repeat until it's time for bed!

If I tell myself "ok, you're going to work hard all day today and get alot done", then I piddle around and procrastinate and end up not getting hardly ANYTHING done.

But if I tell myself I can work a little and then take a "fun" break, then I end up getting alot more accomplished. And today was that kind of day!

We had leftover pasta primavera with cottage cheese for lunch. Our fun breaks today consisted of rounds of Rummikub...I'm winning as of right now  = )

Petey hung all my Texas and bluebonnet-themed stained glass...HE worked hard, for sure! I have 13 stained glass "pictures" and I have window space for 12 of them here. The last one is the smallest one and I'll probably just hang that on the wall somewhere. 

This brings me so much happiness in my new home!! And it really makes this place feel more like HOME. I told The World's Greatest Neighbor and my tea-time buddy, Shari, that as soon as we got here I was going to hang my small white board up on the fridge and start listing the blessings of being here. 

Well, I haven't found the white board yet but I've been listing the blessings in my head so far. Counting your blessings goes a long way in developing a God-honoring and God-pleasing attitude...and helps you to be more happy and content in whatever situation He places you in. I'm speaking from experience here!

Ok, back to the day...let's see...I did unpack a few more boxes. At this point the most challenging thing is finding places for the stuff I'm trying to unpack. 

When I first started unpacking, I was just sorta shoving stuff here and there without organizing it as I went along. Now I really need to organize the areas where I did that because there's lots of wasted space that I need to use for the last little bit of stuff to be unpacked. 

The easiest way is going to be to take it all out of the cupboard or off the shelf and start from the beginning. That just sounded like too big of a job for today so I'll plan on doing that on Monday  = )

I also have alot more motivation now to purge some more. I know that sounds pathetic...I just moved all this junk over here and NOW I'm going to donate it?!  Yeah, I know, it is pathetic but maybe it was what was needed at the time.

I was packing up and leaving my beloved home...where I thought I would be able to stay for the rest of my life...where I WANTED to stay for the rest of my life. The thought of getting rid of or leaving behind something that felt like a treasure at the time was too much for me to handle so I brought it with me.

But now, this place doesn't seem so horrible (yeah, that's about how I was thinking about this place while I was packing up) fact, like I said before, I have a pretty good list started of the neat things about this house...the blessings from God that come with living HERE.

So my "treasures" don't feel necessary for my happiness or to make me feel at home least some of those "treasures". Well, as I sit here and look around me, I don't see a whole lot that I want to get rid of right now except maybe some books...but hopefully I'll find some in the coming weeks and months! hahaahahaa

I read several blogs from people living minimalist lifestyles. I'm certainly not anywhere close to doing THAT but it does make me think and there's an aspect that really appeals to me. So I'm not giving up yet!

Now...where was I? Ok, for supper we had fresh corn on the cob...YUMMMMMY!
Then we took the dogs for a walk. Oh yeah, I missed the part after lunch where we went to Target and the thrift store. 

I did donate a bag of clothes today but it was a bag that got brought here by accident. It was supposed to be donated there in Houston. We were also looking for a baby gate at the thrift store. We didn't find one but we've decided to take apart one of the dogs' 8 foot fence/gate thingys and use that instead.

So on the way home from the thrift store, I discovered a MUCH better, nicer, beautifuller walking-running-biking trail going the opposite direction than we went the other night. Add that to the blessing list!!

We took the dogs for a walk after supper. The start of the trail is 4/10ths of a mile from our house. It's very similar to the trail that led over to Bear Creek Park! Walking on that trail with the space and the green trees and the absence of people...oh was just what I needed!

Yeah, I told ya'll that I was going to run this morning but I forgot and got dressed instead! I thought about changing into running clothes and I probably should've but that was before I discovered this other, wonderful trail so now I'm kinda glad I didn't  = ) 

But that makes me sad to realize that I'm already out of my daily running habit = (  Wow, it doesn't take long...but I can always get back IN to it!

Oh yeah...we had a pretty good rainstorm today too. I'd been hoping for one so we could see if anything leaks here. Just one window that needed some caulking, which Petey did right away, so now we're good.

And now that's the end of the day. I'm gonna let the boys out to potty, put them to bed and then put myself to bed too! I've been looking forward to church all week!

And I know you all want to see pics and I've been taking them but I need to figure out the best, simplest way to post them here. I may end up just posting them from my phone with no descriptions and then writing about them when I come here to the big computer...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah-send or post pictures! I thought of you yesterday as I took pictures of my HAIRY VETCH in bloom with FAT Bumble bees on them!! These are the ones I planted on your birthday, And they have taken over the hibernating beds. My tomatoes are pretty big and they aren't ripe yet but I can't wait to eat them already. Peppers coming along , as are the new (red) potatoes. Yummy, no?
