Sunday, June 9, 2013

Well, it's about TIME!!!!

Hello my friends...knock knock...anyone still there???

Wow, I fell WAAAAAAAAAAY off the blogging wagon! Things just got busier and busier with cleaning out my sister's house and then doing remodeling there in preparation of putting the house on the market.

We were also trying to redo our front flower beds here and I just now this past week got a few tomato plants in the veggie garden! Thankfully, we got the shadecloth installed over the entire garden and that buys me some time in getting things in the ground. It cools the garden by about 10* pleasant to work out there on a hot day. 

I'm hoping to see a big difference in how the veggies grow and maybe they won't stop producing for July and August when it's just too hot to think   = ) 

So anyhow, back to blogging....then I was so late, I decided to wait until a "milestone" day...which was this past Thursday.


I'll get you up to date on the weigh-ins since my last post:

- 3/21     117.4
- 3/28     117.8
- 4/4       119.4
- 4/11     119.2
- 4/18     118.2
- 4/25     118.4
- 5/2       117.2
- 5/9       117.4
- 5/16     117.6
- 5/23     117.6
- 5/30     117.8
- 6/6       117.2

As you can see, I had a couple weeks where I wasn't tracking and I wasn't sticking to the program like I should. But thankfully, due to all that I've learned over the past year, it did not lead to an on-going upward rise in weight it would in the past!

My morning clean weights have been in the 113-116 range...mostly 113-115, just a couple at 116. Even though I'd really rather be under the "teens", I realize that this is kind of a set-point for my body...a mostly easily maintainable long as I do what I'm supposed to be doing to eat healthily.

The weight creeps up when I don't...each and every time...WITHOUT FAIL. But I know it also creeps back down once I DO eat in a healthful manner...that's a really nice thing to know!

So I eat like an 80/20% thing...I can eat healthy most of the time but still have snacks and treats here and there each week. Trying to weigh less and maintain that weight would mean more of a 90/10 or even 95/5 thing. So I'm good with 113-115  = )

I took flowers to my leader, Kim, and also to the ladies who do our weigh-ins...the secretaries. They are always so encouraging and helpful and I wanted to recognize and thank them for their part in my one year maintaining milestone! Now on to the next year!

Oh yeah...I got another charm for my keychain!! And I should post a pic of my Pandora bracelet's getting quite full!

In other news, Petey has been in Denver for upgrade training for the past 3 weeks...just 2 more weeks to go! He's learning how to fly the 747-400...upgrading from the 747 Classic, as they call it. 

He's doing wonderfully well...I figured he would because he'd been studying and preparing so diligently even before he left for school. I was always so proud of him when I would walk by the office and see him studying. I love his work ethic!!!! 

But things can turn out to be more difficult than they first appear so there was a bit of questioning and hesitation on my part. Turns out he's blown his instructor away at how prepared he is and how advanced he already was before he got there...that's my Sweety!

While he's been gone I've been doing LOTS of scrapbooking, just like I'd been looking forward to! The dining room table hasn't been cleaned off since he left  = )   

With the new Simple Stories scrapbook system I was able to scrapbook and journal all of 2012 in less than 2 weeks. And that's with keeping up with the yard work, house work, helping others-work, critter care and other stuff that goes on around here! But no TV... hahahaha

I've also been TOTALLY enjoying my Quiet Time every day...several times a day, actually. I have a couple Bibles that I really love and I can't wait until it's time to sit down and read, study and meditate. I first read in my Life Principles study Bible and then I'll read the study notes on that same passage in a couple other Bibles. 

At other times during the day I'll read a devotional or play the piano...always ALWAYS some hymn comes to mind during my Bible study so I've been playing those after I get done reading. 

The Bible book store, Mardel's, is right around the corner from the scrapbook store, Archiver's, so I've gotten some goodies from both places lately. Including some wonderful song books from Mardel's. I surely do LUUUUUUUUUUV the old hymns and gospel songs!

I've been doing more run/walking than just straight running lately but that happens more once it gets over 90*. Also, I REALLY like having Piper with me and the old boy is slowing down and I need to be more careful. I'm willing to give up running and do run/walking for his sake...even just straight walking when it comes to that!

I've also been helping a friend's son get into running. He really started running before I got involved but I've been able to run with him several times and give him pointers and advice. He's one of those kids (14 years old) that's good at EVERYTHING...he's in the gifted and talented classes at school, he's an amazing musician and, I would have NEVER guessed, he's also a talented athlete!

But I've still been going out twice a day on most days...morning and sunset. I take Piper either/or depending on how late I get up. If it's late and hot already, I'll go by myself and take him at sunset. If I'm scheduled to run with Sean that evening, I'll do a shorter walk with Piper in the morning.

Well, I think that about catches you up! Of the important stuff anyhow. I could tell you about my disappointing 5k a month ago but I'll save that for another time...gonna go have some popcorn  = )

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on milestone! And pass on to the SweetPete how proud we are of him too. :-)
