Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thanking God all through the day... so easy to do! I open my eyes this morning and the first thing I see is bright sunshine and blue sky through the crack in the blinds...AWESOME!

Then I start to stretch but look on the bed to make sure that I'm not going to disturb any sleeping kitties...gotta be careful with 4 of them on the bed = ) And then Chippy sees that I'm awake so she comes up for some snuggles and pettums. I look over and see Annie-bell who meows a "good morning!" Then Jake and Sydney ratchet up the cute-factor with their cuddling. What a great way to wake up...I thank God for my kitties!

I think to myself "what day is it?" Oh's SUNDAY!! I get to go to Sunday School and church and love on my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ and receive love back from them...and learn about my beloved Savior and read His Word and sing much-loved hymns of the faith!! Thank You, God, for adopting me into Your family and giving me loving brothers and sisters!

It's cold this morning so I build up the fire in the woodstove...thanks, God, for warmth and a cozy house!

I get in the car...b-b-b-brrrrr...but before I know it, the heater is pouring out wonderful HEAT...I'm surprised it works so well for an almost 20 year old car! Thanks, God, for keeping this car running...and Petey too!

My friend, Hong, is coming to lunch today...a special treat...mother has made her famous chicken and dumplings...YUMMMM...don't have to remember to thank God for THAT! And for friends to share life's joys with = )

John and Faithy tell us about their recent dog-sledding adventure's so nice to hear my baby-brother laugh...I thank God for him...and even more thanks for marrying Faithy and giving me a sister-chicky whom I love dearly!!!

After dropping Hong off back at her car (with a quick prayer of thanksgiving that I DIDN'T lock my keys in the car! hahahaha), I head to Zales Jewelry Store to pick up my Valentine's gift from my sweety...major bling ring!!!!! Many, many times a day I thank God for choosing me to be Petey's wife...what a blessing...WHAT A BLESSING!!!

Then home to email Petey about how much I love my ring and how thankful I am to have I wish I could thank him in person = (

POP! An email from Petey! He's online and we can webcam and I can thank him "in person"! I thank God for the internet...for webcams, computers, Petey's safe flight to Germany...

Then out the door to walk my boys over to the park...MEGA thanks for my trusted friends and companions, Buddy, Piper and Dingo...dogs to you but bestest friends to me = )

And the park..thank You, God, for the beautiful park, so close to my house, again for the beautiful day, being healthy and able to walk outside!!

I have avocado slices on my bean burrito tonight...God didn't have to make avocado, ya know...He blesses us with healthy and delicious fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, many different many ways to enjoy them! God IS so good!

Now, a couple hours before bedtime...several choices of fun things to on crafts? play with the critters? watch a little tv? do a puzzle? I wish I could play dominoes with Mom and Dad Huskey and the Lipperts. I thank God for the wonderful memories of these dear friends...and also for the free hours of the day where I have the opportunity to enjoy fun stuff and hobbies = )

And soon, bedtime, which I ALWAYS thank God for...I love going to bed! I'm so thankful for my comfy bed, where I can sleep in peace and safety, knowing that God never sleeps and is always watching over me...

...until I wake up tomorrow morning, if God wills it, to start the day with thanksgiving and praising my Savior hour-by-hour!

See how easy that was??? Praise is continually springing from my lips...and I know that even that comes from God and I thank Him for it!

1 comment:

  1. Okay Pony, you gotta post pics of this new bling! :-) Sounds like a great weekend!
