Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cooler temps this morning!

It was nice to have the windows open for a bit before leaving for church. I keep thinking that we've almost got the cigarette smell eradicated and then we come home after several hours away and I can still smell it   = (

We woke up before the alarm this morning...good thing we had extra time because the cats had dumped over Slinky's cage and I had a mess to clean up! I moved him to another location, thinking him safe, only to discover him dumped over AGAIN when we got home from church! 

This time the cage was on its side with the lid off and Slinky was enjoying the warm air that blows from under the freezer. He was reluctant to leave his safe, warm and cozy spot between the freezer and the wall but I convinced him. And now we'll just leave the door to the gym shut! hahahaaha

We visited Grace Bible Church in Plantation again. We wanted to see how the drive felt to us and imagine doing it every week. It's 22 miles and a little over 30 minutes. It feels farther than we really want to drive to church every, they told us about another church closer to us where their ladies just went to a conference. We'll probably visit that one next week. 

Or maybe I'll go to Wednesday prayer meeting. I looked forward to church ALL WEEK and now it's over and next Sunday seems so far away! I'm certainly feeling the need to fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ!!

We went to Costco after church. BAD IDEA!! I think everyone else had the same idea! We stood in line longer than we shopped. It sure felt good to be pushing the cart OUT to the car and ready to head home.

It was a nice, quiet day of rest today with only a wee bit of work. After putting the food away and rescuing and cleaning up Slinky, I laid down just to rest a while. Yeah, right! hahaha  I didn't wake up until 5:43!! Felt really good to take a Sunday afternoon nap though = )

I called my mommy to ask her a question and then we headed over to Lowe's (closes at 6pm on Sunday!) and then to Home Depot so Petey could get a small piece of pipe that the new garbage disposer needed.

Then home to do that bit of work I mentioned...Petey put the pipe on and I did pooper duty, 2 frisbee sessions and got more boxes broken down and the rest of the trash out. I think the trash might come later in the day so we plan on cutting down the 2 small palm trees in the front yard in the morning.

They're nasty to mow around and I'm not a big fan of palm trees in my own yard anyhow. There are plenty of them around here to enjoy...and I don't have to clean up after them  = )  I really wanted a norfolk pine in place of the palms but they get REALLY big and Petey thinks that's too big to be that close to the house. 

I agree...I'm thankful that the neighbors down the street just a ways have one in their front yard and it's the first thing I see when I look out my bedroom window in the morning. Another blessing to be thankful for!

We played Rummikub after I worked outside...I won the page!!! Petey's just now rinsed all the dishes and I need to go load the dishwasher and then I'm going to sit on the couch and do my Quiet Time...ahhhh...then bed.

Definitely planning on going for a run in the morning!!!!!!

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