Friday, March 28, 2014

Just the facts, ma'am...

Week #94 weight - 113.2, 109.4 clean weight at home

So I weighed 112.0 on Wednesday night...down 2.4 pounds in 10 days of being in Florida. I guess to survive on baby food I'll need to eat a lot more of it. All in all, not too bad considering the stress I was under and how much I expected to lose due to anxiety and not being able to eat.

I wore normal clothes for my weigh-in at Weight Watchers...not "light" clothes...and I ate breakfast before I went. The neat thing is my weigh-in weight puts me at exactly 25 pounds lost since my official weigh-in when I joined Weight Watchers in April 2012...pretty cool!

I'm sure my weight will go back up since I'm home eating real food now. I must say it does feel good to eat solid food again! hahahahaha

We got some bad news today...the lot that we put a deposit down on has already been sold. It was owned by an elderly lady who did not understand the concept of listing it with a realtor and she went ahead and sold it herself without telling him! 

So it's back to the drawing board for us. The realtor has another lot in the same subdivision that might become available but that will just delay us even longer for moving. That might not be acceptable...

Petey got called to go back to Miami already...he commercialed this afternoon and will fly out in the morning. That means he rode a plane to Miami but will be piloting out of Miami  = )  He's happy and excited to go and I'm happy for him but this just hammers home the real need for us to actually LIVE there and how challenging and/or impossible it would be to commute from here.

So I already have a call in to the realtor who showed us our 2nd choice on the see if it's still available. It's still a good some aspects it's a GREAT was my favorite neighborhood and yard and outside of the house...just not my favorite inside. But we could move there sooner which would be better for Petey...and better for moving the critters before it gets roasting hot!

And now I'm going to move myself off to bed  = ))

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blogging from 35,000 feet up!

I'm sitting here on a United flight headed to Houston and my beloved home and babies!! Of course, by the time you read this, I'll BE home = )

Here are the things I'm looking forward to:

- sitting on the couch in the parlor with a dog on either side of me, one at my feet, a kitty or two on my lap and more kitties scattered around, reading my Bible, drinking hot tea, looking out the window and watching the activity in the neighborhood.

- walking the dogs over to Bear Creek Park

- drinking in the beauty of my bluebonnets which have surely put out many more blooms in the 10 days we've been gone

- eating my own made-from-scratch home cooking! As a side note...

This trip was a nutritional experiment for me: can a 112 pound woman survive mainly on baby food? The answer is YES! I won't know if I've lost any weight until I weigh myself before bed tonight but if I have, it's not much.

I only had one bout of stomach troubles and that's when I drank a shake made with protein powder that was a little past its "best by" date. I thank God for leading me down the baby aisle and giving me the presence of mind to get the baby food. And I'm also thankful that I actually LIKE the taste of baby food...hahahaha  Simple, complete nutrition, no additives or artificial anything...AWESOME!

So the only time we ate out was at the McDonald's on Key West. Petey survived on meal replacement bars, coffee, graham crackers, triscuits and some lunch meat we bought at the store. He also ate some bread that I brought from home until it went bad. Ok, back to the list...

- hearing Happy's oink-oink-oink and holding her...I wonder if I will think she has grown bigger since we left?

- going to Weight Watchers tomorrow

- having and using appliances! the hotel we stayed in was a budget one...we brought our own Keurig from home so at least we had hot water for coffee, tea, and instant foods. 

- not having to pack everything up each morning before leaving my bedroom = )

- sleeping in my own bed!!!!!! with lots of kitties snuggling with me!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The view from our hotel room...

...we're on the final approach to Miami International = )

Petey's back and FINISHED with training!! He's ready to fly the line...another piece of the puzzle in place... praise God!


Hangin' in there...

I have a nice, strong wi-fi signal this morning so I thought I'd give you an update. I think about my goal to blog every day every day = )  But that's the thing about goals...only God knows what's going to happen in the future so my goals are just that...goals, not sure things!

I'm still in Miami...Petey is out flying right now...he left yesterday afternoon and we're not sure when he's coming back...maybe this afternoon...maybe not! hahaha

Our house hunt got quite discouraging there for a few days. Most houses were ok in some ways and not ok in some ways. A few were immediate, definite NO's. Some were definite YES's until we saw the inside or learned that the price was firm.

I even made a "Settle Chart" to help us. We knew we were going to have to settle in some way...just needed to figure out how we wanted to settle. Not as in "settle down" but as in "settle for less".

We'd been praying all along that God would lead us step by step and He's answered those prayers completely! I still get ahead of Him and then the anxiety sets in. I have no business trying to answer questions about the future when I'm not the one who knows and holds the future!

So what we've settled on is to buy a lot in a decent mobile home community...not the nicest we've seen (those lots go for $65,000-100,000 just for the land!!) and have our own mobile home built to put on it. 

I went through the long process of choosing colors and finishes's exciting, for sure, but also scary because you're buying something "sight unseen" and I can only visualize how big the rooms will be and what things will look like, not actually be in the room and see for myself.

The "settling" part of going this route is that we won't be able to move in for another 2 months or more while the house is being built. But the price is good and the location in general is excellent...the size of the house is fine...around 1500 square feet with a 200+ square foot covered porch which we'll screen in after awhile...small but adequate yard for the dogs but SUPER access to loads of hiking and biking trails that go for miles!

And we've even found our home church already! I don't like to drive a long way to go to church so I looked for a Bible church in close proximity to where we'll be living. We visited there on Sunday morning and were SO blown away by the church! It's Grace Bible Church of Plantation. Several of the men are familiar with our current pastor...the Bible teaching was great...the worship service was just what our souls needed after a week spent "in the desert".

So...enough about that. On Thursday we looked at two houses in the morning that were big disappointments and then spent the rest of the day driving to Key West and back. It's been a dream of mine to go there since before Petey and I got married...almost 28 years ago! As I said on Facebook..."the best thing about Key West is the drive getting there".

There were crowds of people so we didn't walk around the town. We stopped on the north side of the island at McDonald's and had ice cream cones. It was so funny to sit there looking out at the beautiful ocean and palm trees and hear the steel drum music being played on the sound system and realize that we were in a McDONALD'S!!!

We did stop at a beach on Marathon Key on the way back...waded in the ocean and sat on the beach for awhile but we didn't stay long. The sun has really been bothering me here. I think it's because it's so much stronger than I'm used to. I've gotten a "sun migraine" almost every day that we've been here.

I bought a straw hat at Wal-mart and that helped so I bought a nicer sun-block hat at Columbia on Sunday and have been disciplined to wear that even though I look "touristy". I don't know whether I will adjust to the stronger sunlight from being this far south or I might just have to make 3p-7p everyday to be my "inside time" = )

Well, I have some phone calls to make so I guess I'll close this up for now.