So after filing the report with the constable, Petey installed large, bright, motion-detector lights on the peak of the roof...if you click on the picture, it will enlarge so you can see how nicely the front yard is now lit up.
Let me tell you, working in the attic, running wire, in the middle of August, in south Texas is a TRUE labor of love. Whenever I see the lights, I think of how much my Sweety loves me!
With this being Petey's first night gone, it brings me comfort to know that we have the added security of extra lighting out front. And I stop and thank God for my wonderful husband who does such a GREAT job of taking care of me, even when he's on the other side of the world!!
(and Petey allowed me to buy 4 more hanging baskets which I planted with lantana ((of course!!)) and then he double safety-wired the baskets to the hooks which are sunk in concrete...if someone wants to steal THESE baskets, they're really gonna have to work to get them!)