Friday, January 14, 2011

Felt I oughta post = )

Well, since Jim over at Living on the Edge linked to our blog, I figured I should post something today = )

It's been COLD here in Houston! I pray every day for good weather for the Houston Marathon coming up on January 30th. 'Course, what is good to me wouldn't be for someone else and vice-versa!

Anyhow, going outside to run errands or work in the yard is uncomfortable and the thought of spending nearly 6 hours out in the cold is filling me with dread (not really but kinda!). I'm one of the pacers for the 5:30 marathoners, hence the longer than normal finish time.

Gonna be a neat experience though! Just hope we have nice MY definition! hahahahaha

An interesting thing has been happening this week: almost every morning, I wake up with a verse from the Bible as the first thing I think about. Now, it's not really ME having that as a first thought...I believe that God has put that verse in my brain for a reason.

It kinda gives me a theme for the day or at least something to ponder and meditate on. I've often started the day with a prayer, "what do You want me to do today, God? what would You like me to accomplish?

I usually already have a to-do list made out, but quite frequently something happens that's not on the list...something more important...that supplants something that IS on the list.

And I've learned to quickly let go of any frustration I might feel, knowing that God is working HIS to-do list for my life and His is WAY more important...and comes with blessings!!

Anyhow, just thought I'd share that as something I've been thinking about = ) And if you really want to do some pondering, Jim always has thought-provoking posts, pics and videos to get ya going!