For example: doing Bible study at a certain time and for a certain amount of time, in a certain way, using a certain Bible, etc. If I miss the allotted time or that certain Bible isn't handy, I feel like I can't do my Bible reading for that day because it won't be "the best way or exactly right".
I have lots of these little boxes for any number of tasks throughout the day or week or month. I won't start listing them because then I'd have to list them ALL since that's the "exactly right" way to do it!
So I wanted to post a picture a day here on the blog...something that I was thankful for that day or made me happy. I've been so caught up in spending time with my Sweety Petey that I've been forgetting to take a picture of the happy things and I didn't want to post on the blog without a picture... coz it's not "exactly right"!!
I really need to get past this hang-up. I'm WORKING at getting past this hang-up! God doesn't care if I'm reading my Bible "exactly right"...He just wants me to spend time with Him in His Word!
Any of you that really care about me, don't care whether I post a picture every'd just like to hear what's been happening! Hence this post = )
My gardens and furniture and floors don't care if I've tended to them "the best way"...they just want to be tended to...whenever, however I can!
What's been happening around here is lots of time with my Petey...mostly quiet things because he came home with the tail-end of a cold and needed to recover.
I've also been actively working to pare down my outside activities so I can be more responsible in my job of homemaker and wife to Petey, mama to Jake, Sydney, Annie, Buddy, Dingo, Piper, Benny, Rodney and Chippy (listed by age except for Slinky the corn snake who is somewhere around 17 years old but I don't feel like his mama... just his care-taker).
That's it from here...I wanted to post something even if I didn't have a picture. Petey leaves again on Monday so you can look forward to more pics in a few days!