Getting ready to head out on our first bike ride in Florida...
Yay!! Reunited with Merri!! That's the name of my bike, for those of you that don't know...
I thought that you would be able to see all the stained glass in the windows but I was too far away. You can see the palm trees in the garbage though! hahahaha
Here's the norfolk pine tree...this is my first view every morning...and, yes, there's usually a cat walking in view somewhere! Pretty bad stray cat problem here = ( Talked to the neighbor across the street and she's supposedly working on it since it was partly her parents who are to blame.
This day went downhill after our wonderful bike ride. God brought to mind Paul's words... "this light and momentary affliction". The problems and frustrations and even pain that we're going through right now doesn't compare to what Paul went through and it's just a blip on the screen of eternity.
I'm working hard to not make a behemoth out of a blip (mountain out of molehill??). It's just been a day where everything has felt hard. The jumping through the hoops has felt like I'm physically jumping through all these different hoops!
The blessings from today...
- I REALLY like the wall color in our new house...a beautiful creamy yellow that matches everything!
- Petey has worked hard hanging my pictures and artwork and things. There's lots of love and great memories associated with each one so that's been very nice. I'm going to take a picture of each one and tag the "giver" on Facebook where I let them know just how much their gift is appreciated and treasured!
- I'm still winning at Rummikub = ))
- the only boxes left to unpack are 2 in the master bedroom and the ones in my craft room. I ordered special banker boxes that will fit the large shelving unit I have in there so I'm waiting for those boxes to come on Thursday before I tackle that room. Petey leaves tomorrow to do a flight so I'm looking forward to having lots of time to play in Pony's Playroom. I've named it that and I'm gonna make a sign!
- we have food in the house for today and tomorrow and for many tomorrows...we're cool and dry and are not living out of our car or on the street
- looking forward to a sunset walk tonight with my boys!
Hello! I miss you a lot! But I am so happy that you are adjusting really well in your new home. I enjoy reading your blogs, and Mrs. B does too. I read all your blogs to her and she is very happy for you. And praying, of course. :-) Tell Dale I say "hi." And give your furry kids a hug from me. I love you! :-)