I mentioned to the lady weighing me that yesterday was my 10 year anniversary for maintaining my weight loss so they "celebrated" my Thin-naversary at the meeting...that was fun = ) Here's to the next 10 years! If I don't die at 52...we'll see....
Time for bullet-points:
- slept well
- went to Weight Watchers...really wanted to ride my bike but drove the car instead. I'm really looking forward to getting our garage built so I can have easy access to my bike and can ride it MUCH more! Saw my first Orthodox Jew walking home from Temple...fascinating! They don't use electricity or powered vehicles on the Sabbath so they walk to Temple.
- home for brunch, chatted with Petey some
- watched tv and crocheted quite awhile...started on the 4th skein on mom's shawl...one more skein to go! The goal is to have it finished by John Chase and Nicole's wedding so I can take it to her instead of shipping it to her. I'm definitely going to make myself one too...the feel of it is LOVELY! Only this time I will orient the rows to be horizontal while the shawl is being worn. I didn't figure that out until I was about 1/3rd of the way through with this one. Maybe after it's finished, mom will trade with me so she can have the one that looks correct
- worked in my craft room a fair bit...found 2 more boxes that hadn't been unpacked yet! mostly books with a few pictures and craft items
- watered my tomato and bean plants and the flowers across the front. I broadcast some zinnia, marigold and bluebonnet seeds in that flower bed. I see a few zinnias coming up. I'm not hopeful for the bluebonnets but it felt good putting the seeds there anyhow. Thanks, Shari, for putting the seed pod in the truck as we were leaving! I also broadcast the rose petals out there...a bit of Texas here.
- took Piper and Dingo on a 3 mile walk and then Buddy went .3 here in the neighborhood... thought he might want to go farther but he said .3 was plenty, thank-you-very-much
- worked on my craft room some more...our much-loved niece, Deborah, is planning to visit us with her friends in a few days and I thought maybe the girls might like to play in Pony's Playroom??? Gotta get it ready just in case!
- compiled the article for the Texas Runner Triathlete magazine...our running club has a column in the running clubs' section that I "write"...only this article is a runner's story of his experience at the Boston Marathon this year so he actually wrote it = )
- very sleepy and looking forward to church tomorrow! I'm going back to the first Baptist church we visited the Sunday after we got here. Something is drawing us to that church so we need to spend some more time there and go to more services
Good night...sleep tight!!
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