Thursday, March 13, 2014

A very fun blog post = ) Part 1

Week #92 weigh-in...114.6

You know the feeling when you search for something for years and years and more years and you try SO MANY different items that show promise to be what you are looking for and with each one comes disappointment and you begin to give up hope but you just keep trying because SURELY this thing's gotta be out there somewhere and then you find really REALLY find it?? And it ends up being better than you thought?!

If you know the feeling I'm talking about, then you know why I'm SO excited to share my "find" with you all!

So what I've been searching for for all those years was a workout dvd that I could do at home. "Do" is the operative word in follow, enjoy, want to do and a true workout but not "leave 'em barely breathing" workout.

"Follow" was the hardest...they were all moves that required a certain level of "dance ability" or at least co-ordination...obviously neither of which I possess! Or enough ability to do the workout...

On a side note, we're having a "workout equipment swap" at our next Weight Watchers meeting and I have a number of dvds to take...hahaha

Anyhow, back to the subject...of course I didn't "enjoy or have the motivation to do" any of those other dvds because it was frustrating and humiliating not being able to follow the leader or keep up with the leader or even the person designated for beginners  = (

Yes, I could tell that all of them would give me a true workout...but they all were "leave 'em barely breathing" workouts! Now, if you've read this blog for any length of time, you know that I'm no slacker when it comes to working out, at least when it comes to running. 

I've run countless 5k's and 10k's, somewhere around 10 half-marathons, 6 full marathons and 2 ultra-marathons (anything longer than a marathon which is 26.2 miles). And if you know about running a marathon, you'll know that there's a good 4 month training period for each one where you build up your miles, topping out around 21-23 miles for your longest long run. So I've done almost a full marathon 6 more times in training!

So I would say that I would qualify to be in the "physically fit" category...and yet, all those dvds I tried were INSANE! Or maybe I was just expending so much effort simply trying to do the choreographed moves that it wore me out faster than the people on the dvd.

All that to say that when I finally got the chance to try Leslie Sansone, I was BEYOND PLEASED to discover how wonderful her dvds are!!!!

Now, to be honest, the reason it took me so many years to investigate her Walk at Home series is because I thought it was for older/sedentary/very overweight people and I was beyond that and it wouldn't give me a good workout. Oh how wrong I was! 

Cue the Winter Challenge (the time when I normally gain 10-20 pounds and then have to lose it again in the spring)...and this winter had even more cold, wet, gloomy, stay-inside weather than normal. 

But thank God that I borrowed mom's Leslie Sansone dvd and humbled myself and gave it a try. FABULOUS!!!! Even for a marathon runner!! For men, women, kids, skinny, overweight, active, sedentary, dancers, clumsy, young, old...EVERYONE! (I do not receive any compensation for plugging Leslie Sansone except a fit, toned body!)

It's getting late so you'll have to come back tomorrow when I give you a review of each dvd in my LS library = )

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