Thursday, February 27, 2014

The most wonderful time of the year!


Do you see what I see??? It's a little hard with all that clover there...

There...this is in the section I already weeded...can you tell what it is? I know Dorothy Erdely can, for sure!

The first bluebonnet blossom!!!

I surely do LOVE bluebonnets and consider myself incredibly blessed to have them in my very own front yard and flower beds! Every time I see them, I have a spontaneous time of praise and worship to my Magnificent Creator = )

What a wonderful time to live in Texas. I tried for years and years and YEARS to get just one bluebonnet to grow from seed. Every time I got a packet of seeds, I tried planting them, broadcasting them, potting them...whatever...just kept trying and trying because I wanted my very own bluebonnet soooooo badly.

And now, if we don't get a hard freeze in the next week or so, I will have HUNDREDS of bluebonnet blossoms! This will be the most blossoms I've had in any year so far.

The first year I got a seed to germinate, I think I had maybe 4 plants. When they went to seed, I planted the seed pods. That wasn't the right way to do it so I only added a few more plants to the beds the next year.

Then I "got smart" and started planting the seeds when and how God plants them = ) I waited for the pods to open on their own time and then broadcast the seeds around. The next year I had triple or more the number of plants. Last year was even more...this year is a banner year for bluebonnet plants!

I still can't get used to the fact that I can look out my front windows and see bluebonnets. I don't have to drive anywhere...I just walk to the mailbox! Last year we had several people come and take pictures of some particularly pretty bunches...made me so proud!

Today was weigh-in at Weight Watchers and I'm hoping to get you all caught up on those numbers tomorrow. Tonight we spent the evening working a puzzle with mom...AWESOME!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE those Bluebonnets! Makes my heart smile to see them every year! Thank you, Pony!
